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We have an important update regarding the delivery of your oral medications (pills). The government has implemented a new ruling that affects how we provide your prescription drugs.
Here is what you need to know:
A recent unfair decision by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the government agency that runs Medicare, says we can no longer mail or deliver patient medications.
Cancer Patients are now required to personally visit the clinic to pick up all medications. Even friends and family members cannot pick them up for you.
This change is based on a bad interpretation of an old law against doctors from having conflicts of interest. But it makes no sense that us dispensing medication directly is any different than us dispensing it through the mail.
Forcing patients to travel to our clinic for every prescription risks disrupting or stopping the care of our sick patients, especially seniors who may not drive, have difficulty with transportation, live in rural areas, or in other states.
The government says patients who can’t travel can get their prescriptions from big corporations called pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). But PBMs often delay or deny care!
We are working with the Community Oncology Alliance (COA) to overturn this decision. It puts patients at risk and was also made without following the law for such a large change.
Please consider contacting your Member of Congress and ask them to help fix this change. Linked here is a letter you can customize to express your concerns along with a list of Nebraska’s Congressional Delegation. Don’t have time to write a letter? You can also quickly send it online using this link: https://p2a.co/czLHSal.
We understand the concerns this decision is causing patients and assure you that we are actively working to address it. Thank you for your continued trust and support.