Research Center
Clinical Research Trials are the ONLY Way to Develop New FDA Approved Treatments for Cancer. The Urology Cancer Center & GU Research Network has Risen to an Elite Level as a Center of Excellence for Innovative Cancer Research. This is Giving Our Patients a Head Start in Accessing These Potentially Life Saving Treatments. Our Strong Reputation for Research Quality, Volume, Focus, & Accrual Rates, Gives us Access to More Clinical Trials for Prostate Cancer than Any Other Cancer Center in the U.S., Community Cancer Centers or Academic.
Sadly, across the U.S. only 3-5% of cancer patients are enrolled on a clinical trial (2% of Community Cancer Center patients and 10% of Academic patients). The higher the percent of patients we can accrue new treatments can be FDA approved resulting in a significant savings in health care spending.
At the Urology Cancer Center & GU Research our focus is research. We still have ALL of the standard FDA approved treatments but with a non-curable cancer those are not enough and access to the most innovative clinical research trials can save a life, extend survival, or improve quality of life.
There are over 21,000 active clinical research trials for all types of cancers today. There are over 1,300 for Prostate Cancer alone. Every Oncologist does not participate in research and even if they do participate in research, It doesn't mean they are going to be offered the most promising and sought after research trials.
Each Oncologist that participates in research as an Investigator, has a "Research Score" much like a Credit Score for the public. The more research experience, the higher accrual rates, the more efficient the center, the better reputation, the more expansive their research network, the more likely a Cancer Center & Investigator is to be chosen as a site to conduct a Clinical Research Trial. More competitive research trials require higher research scores.
Dr. Nordquist and his GU Research Network are exceptionally competitive with his research score. We are often given the right of first refusal for a study. This allows Dr. Nordquist to have access and accrue patients to these most sought after trials. Oncologists that treat all types of cancer will not have the score to obtain such promising clinical trials. As an example, one of the most sought after classes of cancer treatments today are Radiopharmaceuticals. Until recently patients from all over the world would be put on a wait list at a center in Munich, Germany and spend up to $20,000 (U.S.) per dose x 6 doses. These very promising treatments are now being offered on clinical research trials in the U.S. at very limited centers. The 3 primary sites in the U.S. chosen by several companies are Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC, Tulane University in New Orleans, and the Urology Cancer Center Omaha.
All of our meetings, conferences, and networking across the globe are to keep our finger on the pulse of the most promising treatments. This assures my patients that they will always have access to the most and best treatments for their cancer.